Women Mate Guarding by Making You FAT!

There are many ways women can mate guard you. When women are worried about you having too many options with attractive women, you can expect them to sabotage you especially as they hit the wall and feel their youthful beauty fading away. As they have hit the wall and are out of time they need […]
Why Women HATE Nice Guys and They Finish Last

In this video we review a video that is the perfect example why you should watch what women do and ignore what they say. Also perfectly illustrates as to why Nice Guys finish last or never get to bang!
Why Post Wall Women Shouldn’t Be Dated Seriously

Around the time average modern empowered western woman hits the age of 30 she realizes that the party is over and she cannot get the guys she wants to commit to her. So she feels the pressure to get married and settle down, but she refuses to because she has been on the banana carousel […]
Treat Her Like a QUEEN and She Will Make You Beta!

The typical Blue Pilled Beta believes in the Mantra, “Happy Wife, Happy Life!” The increasing divorce rates and lack of marriages teach us that indeed that is false. In this video we analyze an article where a husband treats his middle aged post wall wife like a QUEEN and is rewarded with extreme Betatization. In […]
The Blue Pilled State of Mind… A Beta Responds!

I had a Blue Pilled Beta leave a comment responding to my video about how The West is in decline due to Women. The initial comment contained to much Soy and feminine energy that I assumed it was an angry blue haired ham beast, whale of a feminist. So I replied accordingly. Then I got […]
The One Thing You Should Never Do In Front of Your Wife If You Wanna Keep Her!

In two previous videos I talk about why you shouldn’t overinvest and why you shouldn’t overshare your emotions with you Wife or Girlfriends. In this video we go over a Reddit post in which a husband loses his job and break down crying in front of his wife. His wife wants to be supportive, but […]
Traditional Conservative Wife Divorces Husband Because He Was Too Perfect!

In the conservative space you have a ton of influencers telling you to look for a girl with a low notch count, marry young, be religious and you’ll have a happy stable marriage! Like with the Steven Crowder divorce, we see that it doesn’t work, even if you have tons of money and give your […]
The West is Declining Due to Women – There Are No TradCon Women!

Whether women call themselves Liberal, Communist, Conservative, or a born again TradCon all women are susceptible to magical thinking. Western societies have evolved around catering to protecting women from any form of accountability has put all Western societies into decline.
The Red Pill On Food – Why You Are Fat

In this video I got over why men have it harder than women in dating. If you are an overweight male in The West you will have few to no options in dating women, but it if you are Fat Land Whale, you can have your choice of men! Then I go into all the […]
Red Pill Rage: Why Betas and Women Hate The Red Pill

I recently had two different people, one blue pilled nerd and a woman get angry when I simply stated that men and women are different. Their anger to simple statement of facts left me surprised. In this video we talk about why simple Red Pill truths invoque anger from Women and Blue Pilled Beta Males.