Why Post Wall Women Shouldn’t Be Dated Seriously

Why Post Wall Women Are Only For Fun YT Thumbnail

Around the time average modern empowered western woman hits the age of 30 she realizes that the party is over and she cannot get the guys she wants to commit to her. So she feels the pressure to get married and settle down, but she refuses to because she has been on the banana carousel […]

Traditional Conservative Wife Divorces Husband Because He Was Too Perfect!

Tradcon Wife Divorces Husband Because He Was Too Perfect YT Thumbnail

In the conservative space you have a ton of influencers telling you to look for a girl with a low notch count, marry young, be religious and you’ll have a happy stable marriage! Like with the Steven Crowder divorce, we see that it doesn’t work, even if you have tons of money and give your […]

The West is Declining Due to Women – There Are No TradCon Women!

The West is Declining Due to Women YT Yhumbnail

Whether women call themselves Liberal, Communist, Conservative, or a born again TradCon all women are susceptible to magical thinking. Western societies have evolved around catering to protecting women from any form of accountability has put all Western societies into decline.

Why Single Mommy THOTs Are Delusional

single mom cuck

In my online browsing I came across this post from a single THOT mommy listing the reasons why a “Some Men [Beta Cuck/Predator] would prefer [to date] single Mom to a single Lady”. And she wrote out a 13 point list that was so delusional that I just have to make a response video to […]

Woman is Surprised Her Male Friends Wanna Sleep with Her!

Woman is Surprised Her Male Friends Wanna Sleep with Her

In this video we discuss a Reddit post where a Woman is surprised that her guy friends are only her friends because they want to sleep with her! We discuss why being a “Nice Guy” or a Beta Orbiter doesn’t work out the way most Blue Pilled Betas hope.

Passport Bros Biggest Mistake

Passport Bros Biggest Mistake

In this video we discuss the one common mistake I’ve seen Passport Bros make and how it limits their dating potential.

Video: The Only Men Who Don’t Simp for Women

The Only Men Who Don’t Simp for Women

High value men who spin plates are the only Men who don’t Simp for women. Men who Simp for Women live in a world where attractive women scarce in their lives. Men who have done the work and leveled themselves up will never Simp because they live in a world where women are abundant because […]

Red Flags Series: I Love To Travel!

Red Flag I love to Travel;

Welcome to the “Red Flags Series” which will feature particular Red Flags I’ve encountered in my adventures dating various types of women. One of the most telling Red Flags women love to give away about themselves is the, “I Love To Travel” Red Flag. Women in general lack self awareness, which is why they love […]