Red Flag I love to Travel;

Red Flags Series: I Love To Travel!

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Welcome to the “Red Flags Series” which will feature particular Red Flags I’ve encountered in my adventures dating various types of women. One of the most telling Red Flags women love to give away about themselves is the, “I Love To Travel” Red Flag.

Women in general lack self awareness, which is why they love to blab about all the solo travel they do every year. They brag about how many countries they have been to thinking this makes them seem like interesting well traveled men.

The average blue pilled cuck believes men and women are exactly the same, so he will think, “My potential partner is interesting and or worldly because she is well traveled!”. The red pilled top shelf man will think, “So how many foreign guys did you bang on each trip? I better wear a condom with this one.”

Traveling with a Woman is like Traveling with a Child

Anyone that has traveled with your typical woman understands that women overpack every time they go anywhere unless you warn them before hand, “There isn’t enough room for all your stuff so you better pack lightly!” and even then they still bring shit they’ll never need. This is because when women travel their first priority is safety and comfort.

Women are Boring

Safe and comfortable is boring. Men know you don’t find adventure through predictable catered experiences. Women are wired to look for safety and comfort. This leads to solo women getting bored on their own solo travels. Once the museums, sightseeing spots, and shops are all exhausted they will get bored with themselves. Think back to the women you dated and ask yourself how many of them could genuinely recommend or think of fun things to do outside of shopping and eating? Women hate being bored with themselves, until they realize they can trade their sexuality for excitement.

For a young woman who travels to 20-something countries all the trips start to become less memorable. So as they get lonely from their solo travels they will seek to make each trip more memorable by fucking a hot and exciting new guy on each trip.

They will hit the bars and forget about their husbands, boyfriends, or beta orbiters back home. After all what happens in (insert foreign country here) stays in (insert foreign country here). Women don’t have to worry about their misdeeds following them back home. Dating apps based on location like Tinder make this even easier. They can pre-select Chads to bang them out.

It is as Rollo Tomassi says, “girls wanna fuck the hot guy at the foam cannon party”. This analogy is very true for every time the, I love to travel, woman goes abroad. The fact that these women are abroad also artificially and temporarily increases her sexual market value while they are overseas.

Overseas SMV Boost

She will become more exotic, depending on her race and where she travels to. Being a tourist makes her available to Chads that are already in LTRs, that wouldn’t even consider her as a plate otherwise. If she is post wall with rapidly declining SMV, hot guys will be more willing to bang her. This is all based on the premise that in a week or two she will be gone and regardless of his lack of attraction to her he doesn’t have to be seen with her or deal with her randomly contacting him while he is with his LTR. No drama!

One Exception

The only possible exception I have encountered, is girls that have only traveled overseas with their parents. Women are very self conscious of being judged by their family. Particularly by their parents, so they will keep their whoring to a minimum.

This doesn’t mean that they haven’t been able to get away from their parents, to get in a quickie with the hot guy at the hotel bar. Also the older the woman, the higher the chances for her to have already started her strong and fierce independent solo travel.

When Vacations Forecast Your LTR is on Borrowed Time

This is a warning for all men. If your LTR insists that she will go on a solo trip or a trip with her “girlfriend” then you should consider the relationship as being over. She doesn’t respect you, is bored, or doesn’t see you as her best option and she is ready to play with the idea of monkey branching on to the next guy. She just needs to take this trip to find herself… riding some other guy.

In Conclusion

Next time you encounter an, “I love to travel” Roastie, never consider her as an LTR as she has likely been repeated alpha widowed with exotic Chado-Thunder-Cock-oh or Tyrone. Simply see her as a friends with benefits Roastie or simply add her to your rotation of women.

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