Polyamory? So, She Wants an Open Relationship…

Today we’re going to talk about why polyamory is a scam. And if your girlfriend, wife, or LTR, significant other, the plate you spin, whatever woman you’re with, she brings up the idea to open up the relationship. It’s either time for you to dump her, downgrade her, not take her seriously, or prepare to […]

Women Mate Guarding by Making You FAT!

Women Mate Guarding by Making You FAT! YT Thumbnail

There are many ways women can mate guard you. When women are worried about you having too many options with attractive women, you can expect them to sabotage you especially as they hit the wall and feel their youthful beauty fading away. As they have hit the wall and are out of time they need […]

The Blue Pilled State of Mind… A Beta Responds!

The Blue Pilled State of Mind... A Beta Responds! YT Thumbnail

I had a Blue Pilled Beta leave a comment responding to my video about how The West is in decline due to Women. The initial comment contained to much Soy and feminine energy that I assumed it was an angry blue haired ham beast, whale of a feminist. So I replied accordingly. Then I got […]

Traditional Conservative Wife Divorces Husband Because He Was Too Perfect!

Tradcon Wife Divorces Husband Because He Was Too Perfect YT Thumbnail

In the conservative space you have a ton of influencers telling you to look for a girl with a low notch count, marry young, be religious and you’ll have a happy stable marriage! Like with the Steven Crowder divorce, we see that it doesn’t work, even if you have tons of money and give your […]

The Red Pill On Food – Why You Are Fat

The Red Pill On Food- Why You Are Fat YT Thumbnail

In this video I got over why men have it harder than women in dating. If you are an overweight male in The West you will have few to no options in dating women, but it if you are Fat Land Whale, you can have your choice of men! Then I go into all the […]

Red Pill Rage: Why Betas and Women Hate The Red Pill

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I recently had two different people, one blue pilled nerd and a woman get angry when I simply stated that men and women are different. Their anger to simple statement of facts left me surprised. In this video we talk about why simple Red Pill truths invoque anger from Women and Blue Pilled Beta Males.

Women in NYC Getting Punched for EQUITY!

Women in NYC Getting Punched for EQUITY! YT Thumbnail

Young Liberal White Women and others are getting randomly punched in New York City, but that is not enough to make them move out of said infamous city that is like a 3rd World Country with 1st World Luxury Prices! Women vote for what makes them feel righteous and in this case they got exactly […]

Why Women Lead Soy-ciety to Communism!

why women lead soy-ciety to communism YT Thumbnail version 2

The West is on a path to Communist and Women are leading the way! I explain why women are easily manipulated to pushing for more and more policies that lead us towards tyranny and slavery. As single mother raised soy boys chant for women to have more power, those women in power keep on taking […]

Run If She Says This… (Red Flag)

run if she says this... YT Thumbnail

Many post wall women that have been run through by Alphas decide to settle for the Beta bucks side of the equation. But not fully satisfied with having to settle, many try to build a better Beta! Once they find their Beta they start with small requests. They start by telling them they should dress […]