Polyamory? So, She Wants an Open Relationship…

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Today we’re going to talk about why polyamory is a scam. And if your girlfriend, wife, or LTR, significant other, the plate you spin, whatever woman you’re with, she brings up the idea to open up the relationship. It’s either time for you to dump her, downgrade her, not take her seriously, or prepare to bounce.

And this is because polyamory is some new age commie gobbledygook crap where the only person that comes out ahead in a polyamorous relationship, and that is the woman.

The Polyamory Scam

Let's think about this logically. If you are a single guy and you walk into a bar, even if you're Brad Pitt levels of good looking and you have money, what are your chances of you walking into a bar or a social situation and coming out with a girl that's going to come into your bed that same night?

Even if you are amazingly good looking, wealthy, and charismatic, a same night home run is not common. Of course, the higher you are in these attributes, the more likely it is to happen. But is it a guarantee?


On the other hand, take your average woman that's a five out of ten. So she's not beautiful, she's not ugly, she's in the middle, she's not a land whale, she has a decent figure, knows how to be feminine, is decent looking. Now, that same woman walks into any kind of bar or social situation looking to get laid that same night, what are the chances of her getting someone to bang her out that same night?

Are you thinking that those chances are very high? Almost guaranteed? Yes, they are. This is why polyamory is a scam.
Below average asian
So when your LTR, your wife or girlfriend brings it up, is because she has already cheated on you, or she's looking to cheat on you. Because women do not work like men, where men, we can enjoy casual sex, have a blast with a bunch of women, and then come back to our wife, girlfriend, LTR, and nothing in our feelings change.

Women on the other hand have a pair bonding dynamic to worry about. So, when they do cheat on you, they're like, "oh, well, I want to cheat on him more. But I have to justify it somehow", so I'm going to suggest to him, let's make our relationship polyamorous."

How Polyamory Works in Real Life…

The What The Average Polyamorous Group Looks Like…
I live in a lefty Commie city, also known as New York City. And I can tell you that every lefty commie that I know, that has been married, and then the wife brought up the idea, "Let's have a poly marriage. Let's open up our marriage." And I've literally seen these people in the bar with her having four guys orbiting around her talking to her trying to slam her, while the guy is literally about six to 10 steps away, looking down like a cuck.
Because usually by again, their lefties, so they don't believe in working out, they don't believe in looking good. So you can imagine, the typical leftie guy is not gonna to ever attract any woman. All while she is getting banged out by Randos. It is hilarious, but these lefties, they all fall for this bullshit.

So make sure you don't fall for it. Do not fall for the polyamorous bullshit!

In the video version of this blog post I go over a story where a wife suggests, she and her husband open up their marriage and try polyamory. What could go wrong!

You can check out that results of that story in the video version of this blog post HERE! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to support Red Pill content!

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