Why Post Wall Women Shouldn’t Be Dated Seriously
Around the time average modern empowered western woman hits the age of 30 she realizes that the party is over and she cannot get the

Traditional Conservative Wife Divorces Husband Because He Was Too Perfect!
In the conservative space you have a ton of influencers telling you to look for a girl with a low notch count, marry young, be

The West is Declining Due to Women – There Are No TradCon Women!
Whether women call themselves Liberal, Communist, Conservative, or a born again TradCon all women are susceptible to magical thinking. Western societies have evolved around catering

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In this video I look at a post from a Single THOT Mother, where she gives 13 reasons why a man might prefer to date

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Woman is Surprised Her Male Friends Wanna Sleep with Her!
In this video we discuss a Reddit post where a Woman is surprised that her guy friends are only her friends because they want to

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Video: The Only Men Who Don’t Simp for Women
High value men who spin plates are the only Men who don’t Simp for women. Men who Simp for Women live in a world where
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