How Men Are Taught to Think Like Women

How Men Have Been Taught to Think Like Women

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Western society currently caters exclusively to female way of thinking. This has been accomplished over three generations of feminizing boys. Boys are overwhelmingly influenced by women and their solipsistic way of thinking starting from childhood and during their development. Any attempts at masculine behavior or influence are immediately called toxic. When boys act out in a masculine manner they are sedated with medication. This sedation continues into adulthood with drugs, porn, and video games. The average frustrated chump is an entitled white knight, angry that they haven’t been handed a house, a wife, and wealth for simply doing the same thing as everybody else.

The last three generation of boys are overwhelmingly influenced by women and therefore these boys learn to think like women. Women have been incentivized to be single mothers through easy divorces and government handouts. Schools and universities cater exclusively to female sensitives with increasingly worthless easy degrees in gender studies and communication studies. There was a time not that long ago where college was for people of superior scholastic aptitude. Now in this everybody is equal, femcentric world everyone deserves a degree. This form of thinking, I call “Chick Think” is propagated in western culture by being taught to boys by single mothers, and female teachers.

In our female-centric culture, boys are exposed to women’s egalitarian way of thinking way of thinking throughout all their educational and formative years.

“Everything must be equal”

“Did you bring enough for the whole class?”

“Sit quietly with and read for the next hour.”

“If you kids get too loud during recess you will be forced to sit quietly for the rest of recess!”

Many forms of feminine nature are pushed on young boys as proper behavior for the convenience of their mothers and teachers who are overwhelmingly female or feminine men.

An overactive boy who can’t sit still and quietly? Then he must be medicated! Boy asking for physical attention? Then just sit him in front of a Television or Smart Phone!

Recess, gym, and other classes that teach boys a masculine social hierarchy and allow boys to use their energy to understand physically rough forms of male socialization in a productive way are slowly reduced or eliminated. These influences are raising little boys who sit quietly with their legs crossed medicated to keep them quiet and complacent are being raised to grow up as defective girls.

Single motherhood used to be something shunned by society with good reason. Single mothers raise broken men. This can be simply confirmed by the fact the vast majority of the male prison population come from single mother households. That is not to say that fathers aren’t to blame either. Too many fathers allow themselves to be beta-sized through a thousand concessions to their wives. Those fathers are simply left as plow horses that bring home an income while their wives become the matriarchs of the family. Boys raised in these types of families have no fathers. In these households mothers decide what has to be done, how the money is spent, and how the kids are to be raised.

“Men must become, Women simply are.”

Women live in an entirely different reality from men. When women are youthful and fertile, as long as they keep their natural femininity and maintain their weight in check even the most average looking female will have hundreds of men competing for her attention. Men on the other hand have nothing if they aren’t able to quickly spark a woman’s imagination or have vast resources to arouse a female’s hypergamous nature. Women being naturally solipsistic they will raise their sons the best way they know how. They will instruct their sons to simply go to school and study hard. Once they are heavily in debt from university and get an advanced degree, the women will flock to them! Why wouldn’t that be? It worked for their mothers!

Single mothers raise solipsistic beta males that believe things will come to them simply for existing or being virtuous. Believing that because they are traveling the path most traveled, they are special, original, and they will get that comfortable 6 figure office job because they graduated college just like everybody else. They don’t have to be the best version on themselves because they studied hard and college is behind them. So the struggle is over!

They believe that women are as just as capable as men, because their mothers took care of everything for them. They want a girlfriend to have sex with and take care of everything the way mommy did for them. But either relationships don’t last or women are quick to friend zone them. These become your average frustrated chumps.

These are the average frustrated chumps that are the norm in today’s society. They are entitled and surprised that things aren’t handed to them for being special, for simply being.

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