The Lie of “The One”

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Among the greatest lies being propagated in modern western culture, the lie of “The One” is among the most insidious. It is a female fantasy standard which is taught to boys for the benefit of women. Men are taught that through serial monogamy and magical thinking that they will encounter a special woman out of the 4 Billion+ women on earth that is here just for them. This is damaging as this belief is designed to take choice away from men and benefit women’s beta provider side of the equation.

Western culture teaches boys and girls two diametrically opposed versions of reality. On one side boys are taught that they have to take responsibility for others and do the right thing for their mothers, children, and women in general. Don’t get in trouble and graduate from college to be successful. Then date a special lady, but only one at a time because you wouldn’t want to show your toxic masculinity! Then wife her up and tend to her every need and whim. After all “happy wife, happy life!”.

On the other side girls are taught that you have to go to college, because, “You don’t need no man!”. You cannot depend on men if you want to be equal to them. While in college there is no shame of toxic femininity if you are screwing multiple guys and have a group of thirty betas you entertain on the side for when you need comfort, money, or platonic attention. Once the girl graduates college she now has money and is independent so time to travel! Traveling alone can get lonely so let me hit up tinder and find some hot guys to keep me company! After all this trip will be more memorable with some romance!

After a few years of this women feel the wall coming and it is time to settle down now. Time to change my profiles to say, “No open relationships”, “No friends with benefits”, “I am looking only for a serious relationship”. Now that the modern woman has had her fun, behaved like a “Toxic Male” for about a decade it is time to find a white knight to save her from a quickly diminishing sexual market value before her fertility completely dries up.

Those are the disparate messages boys and girls are taught from an early age. Boys, need to grow up and do the right thing. Girls, you don’t need to depend on no man and you do what is best for you.

Now, that is not to say that all men and women follow the paths outlined above, the problem is that the vast majority of them do. Natural Chads and red pilled men who put in the work will be spoiled for choice and date non exclusively. Women with strong male familial influences will be protected from their own hedonism and preserve their ability to pair bond.

Damage Caused by Believing in “The One”

The lie of finding, “The One” is also very attractive to the average plugged in beta male. It is a feminine mind set that tells them that just being themselves is good enough. Being a scrawny or overweight male is not good enough in the modern day when even the most below average woman has access to social media and is showered with attention by thirsty Betas, validating them every which way. We live in a culture where even unattractive women get banged by Chads who label these women slam pigs, because “when you don’t have a hot girl on reserve you can always slam a fatty”. Being yourself is not good enough in a society that caters specifically to females. Being yourself requires no effort, which is why this mindset is particularly attractive to Betas.

The average frustrated chump believes that because there is a person they are destined to be with and potentially procreate with then they don’t think about an form of self improvement. After all, this girl was put on earth especially for you. Why should you keep a decent diet and hit the gym to look good? Looking good? That would be vain! I have no need to look muscular and masculine. The right woman will come along and love me for me. I’ll simply grow my beard to look more rugged.

How the Soul Mate Myth Can Also be Damaging to Attractive Blue Pilled Men

Some men hit the genetic lottery and are either naturally inclined athletes or no matter how much crap they eat they look great. These men have no problem serial dating and messing around until they get an idea into their heads.

“This girl. I think, she is The One. No other girl has made me feel this way about her.”

Once this lie is embraced all logic and common sense about the feelings about this girl go out the window. This is how attractive plugged in men get into abusive relationships. When their girlfriend/fiancé starts brining out the crazy they hesitate to dump her, because if you dump your shitty girlfriend you might be losing “The One” aka “the one that got away”. This is particularly dangerous as many women with borderline and narcissistic personality disorders are masters of making a new boyfriend feel like a king. Only long enough to divide them from family and friends then literally shit the bed.


Men have a burden of performance. Many in the red pill communities would say they are money, muscles, game. Being your risk averse comfortable self is not good enough.

There is no girl put here on this earth exclusively for anyone. Women will always do what is the most convenient for their security and reproductive needs. This is one of many reasons divorce rates are so high.

You will only get the women you deserve based on how much work you put into yourself and how much you risk to be financially independent. If you are the best version of your self and you settle for a long term relationship, she better acknowledge how much work you put into yourself. Because if not you will have no problem dumping her and finding other women to replace her. The same way she would do to anyone women deem wastes of time or beneath them.

There are no soul mates.

There is no “The One”.

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