Why Women HATE Nice Guys and They Finish Last

In this video we review a video that is the perfect example why you should watch what women do and ignore what they say. Also perfectly illustrates as to why Nice Guys finish last or never get to bang!
The One Thing You Should Never Do In Front of Your Wife If You Wanna Keep Her!

In two previous videos I talk about why you shouldn’t overinvest and why you shouldn’t overshare your emotions with you Wife or Girlfriends. In this video we go over a Reddit post in which a husband loses his job and break down crying in front of his wife. His wife wants to be supportive, but […]
Avoid This First Step Towards Betatization!

In this video I discuss the first step girlfriends, lovers, LTRs take towards starting the betatization process of their man! Idealistically women think they want a Beta, only to forget they fell in love with you because they initially saw you as an Alpha!
Why Pick Up Artist Courses Don’t Work!

I’ve spoken to plenty of men that have taken Pick Up Artist courses or have attended boot camps that are supposed to teach them how to get “The Girls”. Aside from the PUA’s hiring escorts to respond positively to the student’s at their boot camp PUA isn’t a skill you can teach in a short […]
Tips for Vetting Any Girl on Your First Date

In this video we discuss the best first date strategies for vetting any woman to see she becomes a plate to spin or had the potential to be an LTR.
Video: A Man’s Dilemma: Who Will He Choose?

In this video, I respond to a viewer’s mail in which a young man is torn between two women and his religious convictions. He can’t decide which one to pick to be the future mother of his children. Who will he choose?
How To Make The Best Version of Yourself

Make Systems Not Goals One of the biggest self sabotages you can do to yourself is to set goals. Goals are finite and once you reach them, then what? Relax and go back to the bad habits that made you unhappy with your life in the first place? Goals set you in a temporary frame […]
Don’t Turn Your LTR Into Your Best Friend

I have noticed a trend with plugged in males where they try to turn their wife or girlfriend into their best friend. Once they manage to get into any form of an LTR your average blue pilled male will have the tendency to abandon their friends, hobbies, and personal goals. They feel so lucky to […]
Don’t Friend Zone Yourself

Betatized men are taught to friend zone themselves with girls since elementary school. I remember being a kid in the 1990’s and getting punished or reprimanded any time i’d make a girl cry for not letting her get her way. From a young age boys spend an exuberant amount of time around girls and grown […]
The Importance of Forming Your Tribe of Men

The Red Pill can help us better understand the nature of women and the world in general, but being red pill aware doesn’t suddenly make us immune to decades of feminized psychological conditioning. This is why every top shelf man must form his own tribe of men. This is a group of other red pill […]