Betatized men are taught to friend zone themselves with girls since elementary school. I remember being a kid in the 1990’s and getting punished or reprimanded any time i’d make a girl cry for not letting her get her way.
From a young age boys spend an exuberant amount of time around girls and grown women. This lack of masculinity around boys betatizes them as they are taught to exclusively appease women and hold back their “toxic” masculine urges to run around, smash rocks, or set random things on fire. Except that these destructive male tendencies are what allowed modern civilizations to be built. Smash and mix certain ratios of rocks, sand, and water to make mortar. Burn combinations of earth minerals in the shape of a rectangle and you get bricks. This sense of seemingly random destruction boys and adolescent males are prone to is what allowed us to achieve the complex levels of technology, comfort, and safety we enjoy today. These innate tendencies in boys are now deemed undesirable and supressed with medication and through sedation for the benefit of their predominantly female teachers, caretakes, and working mothers.
As I have stated in other essays this raises boys who grow up to think like defective girls and reinforces the “Blank Slate” bullshit in which women and men are perfectly equal instead of complimentary.
When these boys grow into men they see themselves as another one of the girls so they default to approaching with the “Let’s be Friends” frame of mind.
Self Defeating Frames Protect Weak Egos
The “Let’s be Friends” frame is an ambiguous cop out that betas use to protect themselves from potential rejection from females they feel sexually attracted to.
I have asked random guys in bars, “What do you get out of these platonic relationships with females?” I have received such responses as;
“Being friends with (Girl’s Name) has a lot to offer. She confides in me and I get to know all her personal things.”
“What do you mean? I am equally social with everyone.”
Coincidentally these are the same guys who keep on repeating the same stories from the 3 or 4 girlfriends they managed to get in their 30+ years of life on this earth. Yet they are blind to the fact that all their female friends see them as girlfriends. Their female friends see them as less than men.
Men and Women Are Different
The reality is that men and women have very different interests. The most common interest men and women share is sex, but even that is for completely different reasons. Men want to scatter seed and women want to be banged by men who fulfill their hypergamous need for alpha seed in their youth or beta bucks once they hit the wall.
The Secret
Is to simply not treat women like you would your buddies. Show them a sexualized interest in a masculine way. Don’t stutter, have mastery over your eye contact. Women will notice when you stare at their bodies. If they like you, they will be flattered. If you quickly look away when they catch you looking, you’ll look like a creep to them. Maintain eye contact. Speak confidently and playfully. Women aren’t logical, but they are emotional, so talk about “feel good’ things. Yes, this advice is generic, but there is a caveat. This advice works better when you actually look masculine. This advice might not work so well if you are unattractively skinny or a fat neck beard. So you mustn’t only act the part, but also look the part. If you have done the work and she doesn’t respond positively then simply move on and never settle for friend zoning yourself.