I have noticed a trend with plugged in males where they try to turn their wife or girlfriend into their best friend. Once they manage to get into any form of an LTR your average blue pilled male will have the tendency to abandon their friends, hobbies, and personal goals. They feel so lucky to finally find a girl willing to be intimate with them that they will put her on a pedestal. This leads plugged in males to try to turn their girlfriend or wife into their best friend.
Two Reasons
Reason 1, is because the average male lives in sexual scarcity. When he finally finds a female willing to be intimate with him, he will make her the center of his world. Men lead and women follow. She will notice his neediness, but won’t think about it too much at first since the relationship is also new for her.
Reason 2, the average blue pilled chump has internalized the blank slate bullshit. Werther he knows it or not, he subconsciously has bought into the myth that men and women are equal.
Since he is spending so much of his free time with her then why not share in everything? After all we have been fed a steady diet of television and media where the wife is the smart sensible one. So why wouldn’t the average chump want his smart and capable LTR involved with every aspect of his life? What better way to accomplish this than make his LTR into his lover, wife, confidant, and best friend?
Boys raised by single mothers are doubly screwed as their only examples of women and men interacting with each other in relationships will likely have only come from blue pilled pop culture. They have no frame of reference for how normal men are naturally inclined to interact with their wives. These defective men think like women and actually believe that women want to be with a guy who regularly shares his feelings, doubts, and fears.
Turning Your LTR Into Your Best Friend Guarantees Stagnation, Oneitis, and Eventual Failure
Women don’t like to be bored. You make her your best and only friend and she is guaranteed to get bored as there won’t be any aspects of you that will excite her imagination. Once she is doing everything with you outside your working hours there will be nothing to figure out. Everything will prematurely become routine and monotony for her. If you want to keep a woman long term you cannot bore her.
You are Master of the words you keep and Slave to the words you utter
Women are wired for safety and stability. If you start making big life plans and start emotionally expressing your fears, insecurities, and doubts to your LTR, expect her to lose respect for you. Women are naturally sympathetic, but they can’t empathize with men’s burden of performance and society’s indifference to men’s struggles. So if they care about you, they will naturally act supportive as it is in their wiring as nurturers, but have no doubt in your mind, they will lose respect for you.
They won’t be able to express it at the moment, but they will start to see you as a loser the more you emotionally express yourself. Women do not communicate loss of respect overtly at first. They will express it covertly, by being more disagreeable, not wanting to fuck you, and going as far as making decisions behind your back.
Overshare and Lose Frame
For those big life moves and advice you need to have developed a group of likeminded men not your LTR, best friend. If you start asking her for her opinion on your life choices you’ll lose frame. When women give you their youth and beauty they expect you to simply take care of the things you are responsible for such as providing. When you start oversharing she will know you are unsure and if things do indeed not pan out with a new career, business, or investments then she will resent you more as you involved her in the decision making process.