How to make the best version of yourself

How To Make The Best Version of Yourself

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Make Systems Not Goals

One of the biggest self sabotages you can do to yourself is to set goals. Goals are finite and once you reach them, then what? Relax and go back to the bad habits that made you unhappy with your life in the first place?

Goals set you in a temporary frame of mind where you make temporary changes to achieve one thing. You push yourself and make big uncomfortable changes to get to that goal and once you achieve it then what? Whatever uncomfortable changes you made will still feel like you are depriving yourself. So, relax and go back to being comfortable, which guarantees you to go back to the shitty habits that average frustrated chumps have?

Don’t be like the guy that starves himself and hits the gym to achieve the goal of getting the hot girlfriend of his dreams. Then to relax after he is getting regularly laid and then proceeds to get fat, losses frame, and the relationship when the girl gets disillusioned and monkey branches away.

Top Shelf Men Never Relax!

Like a fine aged liquor your goal is to continuously get better with age. Life is a never ending competition. Never be shamed away from being traditionally masculine and embrace your burden of performance!

This is why it serves you better to make systems and not set goals. By systems, I mean make changes to your daily behavior. You are looking to make calculated changes in the things you habitually do, work on, and things you want to improve on in your life.

Be harsh on yourself

If you aren’t perfectly content with your life then there are things you do everyday where you self sabotage.

You want these new habits you develop through systems to become part of a newer better you. Kill the weak willed Beta. Nobody cares about your struggles.

Examples of Systems

Instead of forcing yourself into a caloric deficit, how about you change what you eat and adopt an eating system? There is Keto, Paleo, Pescatarian, or Carnivore to name a few. Do the research and figure out the one that works best for you and your body type.

You will always lose your gains if you make a weight loss goal because once you reached your weight target you’ll fall back to eating garbage.

Do the research and whole heartedly adapt this eating system. Make a shopping list based on this eating system, because the crap you’ve normally been buying at the store is what got you fat or skinny fat in the first place. Don’t starve yourself and keep track of the results. Are you achieving the results you want with this system? If not then make adjustments. As you fine tune your eating system your results should improve. If not then keep adjusting or start over with a new system.

These systems should fundamentally change what you eat and what you don’t. They should become part of who you are. Otherwise you can set weight goals starve yourself until you reach them. Starting eating crap again, get fat and start the whole cycle all over again. Afterall your average frustrated chump eats like a woman, and your average woman in the Americas is a behemoth land whale. Learn to eat like a man.

Make More Money

Most people make financial goals. They start squireling money away to reach those goals. They want to save up enough to buy a house, their dream car, or any other large purchase. After making sacrifices now they saved enough to buy it. After emptying their bank account financially they are back to zero after they make large purchase.

Now think of all your dreams that could be achieved by being wealthy. So make a system where you can use your natural talents to provide value to other people. Start working on them and honing them. Start building your skills and develop a system where you will get to a point people will happily give you money for solving their problems, providing value, or entertaining them. Keep making adjustments to this system. Take the feedback you get into consideration and keep adjusting. If something is not working then make changes and over time you’ll be more valuable to others and your earning will reflect that. Yes, it takes time, risk, and cunning but we live in an age where anybody can be a self made millionaire. It no longer matters that you were born poor or disadvantaged. Again nobody cares about a man’s struggles!

Nobody Cares About A MAn's Struggles

And nobody cares! That is our burden of performance as Men, but also our advantage. So make systems, not goals and be the best version of you!

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