The Red Pill can help us better understand the nature of women and the world in general, but being red pill aware doesn’t suddenly make us immune to decades of feminized psychological conditioning. This is why every top shelf man must form his own tribe of men. This is a group of other red pill aware men who will ground you when life throws you a curve ball. Mastery of logic over our own emotions is something that every man should develop, but can take years to master. Your tribe of men will be there to ground you when you become overwhelmed with emotion and will help guide you back to your purpose.
Your Wife or Girlfriend Is Not Your Buddy!
I have seen it time and time again where your average frustrated beta finds some post wall Roastie that is willing to touch his pee-pee, and he drops all of his friends to lavish all his attention on the Roastie’s needs. This is the beginning of ruination for the Beta. As without a tribe of men his thinking will become far more feminized and guarantees the Roastie will further lose respect for the Beta. She will become the center of his world and will crush him once she can monkey branch up and away from the friendless beta she helped create.
Do not confide in your LTR or Wife
Never confide your doubts or fears on a woman you are sexually involved with. Women are very deceptive because they will act supportive at moments you show weakness, but deep down inside she will lose respect and admiration for you. This plants the seed in her mind and as you feed this seed with more weakness she will wonder if she can do better than you.
Count On Your Tribe
When personal decisions need to be made or you plan on making big changes in your life, you need to have a tribe of men with varied experiences and expertise. Not the solipsistic opinions of your wife who will always advise you in a way that is most beneficial to only her wants and insecurities.
Forming Your Tribe
Not everyone is blessed with a tribe. Childhood friends grow up and grow apart from you. The average frustrated chump gets married and disappears into obscurity to appease his wife’s insecurities. These aren’t the types you want in your close circles. You want movers and shakers that can execute tasks in reality, not make excuses.
I have found that I get along well with other men dissatisfied with the standard blue pilled concept of a typical adult life. This dissatisfaction is what drives them to want more.
Thick Skin Among Top Shelf Men
Dissatisfaction with the blue pilled narratives aside, men in your tribe must be capable of accepting cold hard truths when being criticized and aren’t whimps when dishing it when necessary. Too many men today are afraid to get hit physically or emotionally. None of these pussies take well to criticism. They are a waste of time.
Give and Take
If you are at the top of your game you’ll be admired and hated by lesser men. Make sure that the people in your tribe are either doing the work to earn the benefits from being in your tribe or capable of reciprocating value. Your time is too valuable to be babysitting lazy or entitled men.
Gut Check Your Friends Before Letting Them Into Your Tribe
Many guys are all talk and no action. They are perfectly good friends for a beer and banter, but their capabilities or usefulness will never surpass mere words. They might be driven and like minded. But before you let them into your tribe you should gut check them. Present a complex situation to them that requires action on their part, not just simple words. Then see how they react. Most friends will weasel out and wish you good luck. Not offer any action or solutions. Average guys will want to avoid any potential conflict or put any skin in the game when it doesn’t explicitly benefit them. These are simply “Hi and Bye” friends that will never be brothers in your tribe.
These are a few of the things I have learned to look for based on my life experiences. If you have other “Gut Checks” to suggest, leave a comment below.