Single mothers are treated as sacred cows in the West. They are constantly praised and celebrated. When you hear of criminality in males regardless of political affiliation, Left or Right, you’ll hear both sides jump to blame “fatherless homes”. Neither side of the political spectrum will ever dare to put them blame on single mothers.
IT’S Simple Marketing!
All sides live in fear of offending or putting blame on such the large potential customer base that are single mothers. After all we are used to sanctifying women and shitting all over men and masculinity. This is a bigger part of the problem in our culture where nobody dares to criticize any women for making terrible choices.
Women are treated as super heroes and victims at the same time. If anyone dares criticize women they will be labeled misogynists for not celebrating their bad choices and failures.
Who’s to Blame?
With rare exceptions you can squarely put the blame on for the ridiculous number of single mothers squarely on women!
Women either make shit choices with the men they choose to make children with or they are such entitled and insufferable cunts, that they drive the father of their children away. The culture is partially to blame as women are told to be sluts to the point of breaking their ability to pair bond to one man and they are always encouraged to see the grass is greener on the other side. That is why these broken women default to cheating or monkey branching away from the father of their children.
All this is exacerbated by a culture that cuddles and kisses women’s asses for messing up!
Disadvantaged Men
The biggest disadvantage for any boy is to be raised by a single mother or with absent father. As the apex species we have big brains and take an exceptionally long time to develop. As we grow we best learn by examples, observing, and adapting to our environment.
Unfortunately, boys raised by single mothers grow up psychologically conditioned to be followers of women’s whims and poor decisions. This turns these boys into Betas as they grow up accustomed to pleasing women who live in a world of logic ruled by emotions. These boys grow up adopting these emotional traits and are taught to self sacrifice for their mother’s, girlfriend’s, or wives’ temporary happiness.
Boys raised in a traditional household with their mother and father will learn about the intrinsic differences between how males and females interact with each other.
If boys grow up without seeing a strong masculine father taking charge and leading the family as a patriarch, they will be conditioned to believe in an alternate blue pilled version of reality, where it is perfectly normal for a woman to be bossy, demanding, and make all the decisions. They will be taught to believe that men and women are equal, not complimentary.
Things that are obviously false like “The Blank Slate” theory will sound correct to them, because their mother filled the roles of mother and father in their childhood. Therefore the two genders are interchangeable. It is the same for boys raised in households with weak Beta fathers.
This will guarantee that these boys will be infinitely more attracted to toxic masculinized women that will be inclined to dominate them and will guarantee that normal feminine, well adjusted women will be repulsed by them.
These Betas will likely be victimized by post wall Roasties looking to cash out of the sexual market place with their advanced age, low fertility, and declining looks. These Betas having low success with women they will be easily manipulated emotionally and with sex. They will become a plow horse in their relationships and the cycle will start again with a new generation of boys that will grow up into a Beta, then plow horse.
Killing Your Inner Beta
If you were raised by a single mother or in a household with an absent father then congratulations on taking the Red Pill! You were raised into being the perfect Beta, but realized everything we learned about women’s nature was a lie.
Of course your mother loves you. Women are solipsistic and you were born from her. So you are an extention of her self love and vanity.
The disconnect with reality comes from the fact that ALL WOMEN ARE SOLIPSISTIC and because you are only your mother’s child, other women are only capable of loving you opportunistically and couldn’t care less of your past struggles. They will love you for the potential life you can provide for them.
There is nothing wrong with that. It is the way women are wired and has allowed our species to survive to this point so far. You must unplug and learn to love women for what they are, not the Disney bullshit we are taught about women’s nature.
How to Make Your Small Dent In The Universe
If your family doesn’t have a strong patriarch then become that Patriarch. We are taught that being judgmental is wrong and I am here to tell you that is bullshit taught to us for the benefit of women.
Start by calling women out on their bullshit, and do it unapologetically.
Many blue pilled fathers believe that their sisters, mothers, and daughters will learn from their mistakes. This is utterly false, because the female centric social order will simply coddle them for their mistakes with a myriad of welfare and other social programs.
Obviously have your life in order or in progress when you call them out so you can speak from a position of authority. Be beyond reproach as women’s emotional logic always resorts back to what about-isms, instead of factual right and wrong.
If you can at least steer the women in your family from making stupid emotional decisions then you’ll make a small dent in the cycle of shit choices leading to single mothers producing the next generation of Betas. Become the patriarch, it is your right as a man.