Avoid this type of woman

Baby Rabies and Women In Their 30’s

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Sometime after completing college and finishing out their 20’s riding the banana carousel, women will quickly feel the wall approaching and hit their Epiphany phase. Soon there after, they will enter their 30’s and will be afflicted with a condition known as baby rabies. Women feel their fertility waning and then realize that the guys they were once easily able to date in their youth, now pump and dump them regularly.

They realize they simply can’t compete their younger selves and time is running out. The less delusional women will greatly shorten their dream guy wish list from 6 feet tall, 6 pack abs, and 6 figure income to simply 6 figure income and easily controllable. This is why you’ll see many online dating profiles of women 27 to 39 years old stating, “No One Night Stands! or Friends With Benefits!”, which is because they already had plenty of those experiences and are now looking for their Beta Provider!

You can see a lot of these types of women, prey on IT Professionals as their industry nearly guarantees a 6 figure income and a very blue pilled egalitarian world view. Due to their low experience with women these types of betas are really easy to manipulate.

These women will also aggressively spin plates as they are running out of time and looking for commitment with no time to waste.

Doomed For Servitude or Failure

In the modern dating scene only around 20% of men are deemed as attractive to women. Men between the ages of 18-30 are rarely getting sex or not at all. On the other hand the averages of women ages 18-30 are having roughly the same amount of sex as historically recorded.

What does this mean?

That 100% of women only see 20% of men as reasonably attractive. The rest are invisible to them.

Alpha Widows Make Bad LTR Prospects

By the time your average woman reaches her 30’s and has never been married before she is highly likely to have been Alpha Widowed. She will settle for a Beta Provider, but will still hope and dream for that Alpha that rocked her world in her youth and got away.

What does that mean to the provider they settled for?

That it will harder for these types of women to be loyal or faithful long term, because when boredom sets in they will be right back looking for that exciting Alpha.

Opportunistic Attraction

As Rollo Tomassi says, “sex is the glue that keeps a relationship together”. When women inflicted with baby rabies find a provider that they deem fits most of the criteria they have decided to settle for, they will feel an opportunistic burning attraction towards their prey. Because he fits her needs to be financially secure, high potential parental investment, and is able to impregnate her.

This burning desire and attraction will only last as long as it takes for the woman to get what she wants. Once fulfilled she will become a prude in bed as the burning desire she once felt was to satisfy her need to get pregnant with a reliable provider. Once that desire has been fulfilled she will likely go back to dreaming for that Alpha experience.

The Beta Provider will then be a financial slave and father due to the current laws and conditions of marriage and parental responsibilities for men in the West.

Social Stigma

Most social stigmas today that label masculinity as “toxic” simply exist to benefit modern women’s innate breeding strategies. This is why women will shame top shelf men who date young fertile women and praise high value men who date women their own age or older.

This serves to blue pill men, making them think they have to settle for what women deem acceptable. Which is for a male of higher value than them within a maximum 5 years age difference. He must out earn them and can improve their life. All while these older women have nothing to offer over a younger woman.

This is why I recommend top shelf men to date young, agreeable women, who aren’t on the cusp of aging out of the sexual market place with a bad case of baby rabies.

Top Self Men aren’t responsible for the following;

-That she waited until her 30’s to want to settle down, while fucking around and “traveling” in her highest SMV and fertile years.

-That she wanted to find herself and experience all life has to offer in her 20’s.

-That she subscribed to the “She don’t need no man!” mentality and spent her best years in a cubicle.

-That you were never her first choice, but now have to save her from her bad decisions.

-That she waited until the last minute to start a family and is now in a hurry to get knocked up and married because she was having too fun to worry about that before.

Don’t Accept The Scraps From Other Men

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2 Responses

  1. ????????????
    This article describes no woman I have ever met in my life. It’s clear that it was written by a sad man who is likely a virgin.

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