As with all my essays they are based on personal experiences I’ve had in my dating life. I dated two single mommies in my 20’s and from those two experiences even in my blue pilled frame, I quickly learned that there is some low hanging fruit that is best left on the tree. When I dated the two single mommies I noticed striking similarities in which the relationships progressed.
Single mothers are a bad prospect for any self respecting single man. Since they made bad reproductive choices they are in a subtle yet constant state of frenzied hypergamy. They want a new provider but know they can’t get an Alpha, so they will always be in a constant look out for a better Beta.
Since not having a provider and defender would have meant certain death for a women with young children in nature, these women’s wiring sets their hypergamy on turbo.
Alpha Widow
Especially single mothers with more than one child are highly likely to have been Alpha Widowed by hot and fun guy who turned out to be a dead beat or driven away from some underlying serious flaw from the single mommy. Either way, she inherently knows she can’t compete against her younger pre-mommy self so she will be willing to forego her attraction to a man as long as she sees him as a good provider and is beta enough to become parentally invested in children that aren’t his own.

Genuine Burning Desire
The problem for men dating women who care more about parental investment than anything else is that she is never going to show him genuine burning desire. She might perform like a porn star in bed, but it won’t be from her desiring you. It will be as a sort of offering to convince you that you are getting a good deal for carrying the burden of raising another man’s children or to fix her life from her own poor choices. Sex might be great at first as the single mommies will see this offering of sex as an “in” to have access to your time and money for her kids.
As she becomes comfortable cucking you, the sex will slowly decrease as she gets comfortable with the thought of you being parentally invested as she didn’t have genuine burning desire for you in the first place.
No Honey Moon Phase
Normal relationships have a honeymoon phase where she is discovering your body and you are discovering hers. You spend most of your time banging each other’s brains out. Unfortunately, with single mothers the experience is cut short because her family will always take precedent over you. She has to take care of her family and in her mind it is imperative to shit test you as soon as possible to confirm that you are willing to be parentally invested in her children. Because if you aren’t, it is in her best interest to not waste time and find the next beta with resources willing to put up with her shit.
You can expect her kids to get shoehorned into your dates where you will get to play pretend Daddy who has to show Mommy how much he cares, by paying for her and her kids. They can also play the games where they tell you their kids need something while gauging how quickly you are willing to open your wallet for them.
The shit tests will continue as she will bring up favors after sex asking you to run errands for her kids. The more you concede the quicker she will further Cuck you.

Impossible To Create Or Maintain Frame
If you try to implement frame she will likely use her family as leverage to negotiate with you in order to do whatever is the most convenient for her. If you won’t be willing to negotiate with her, she can always simply play the victim.
Single mothers are naturally disagreeable and jaded, but they’ll try to hide it. It is in women’s nature to be super heroes when it is convenient or victims when it gets them what they want. In this respect the more comfortable the feel with your commitment to them the more comfortable they will feel infantilizing you as they take away your authority and expect access to all your money and resources.
“Responsibility without authority is slavery.” Rollo Tomassi
You’ll be involved with her family drama, but god forbid you give your opinion, because “don’t tell me how to raise my kids” or “you aren’t their father” are phrases you’ll have to get used to hearing. You’ll be turned into an emotional sponge as you’ll have to absorb all their emotional drama, but you’ll have zero authority to do anything about it.
Single mothers can be a lot like dating a crazy hot chick with borderline personality disorder. If they think you are cuckable they’ll love bomb you at first and then quickly turn on the crazy if you don’t bend to their will. They do this to betatize their cuck as expediently as possible. If they see they can’t betatize the guy then they know to move on. In the end single mommies aren’t loyal to anyone as the likely have been alpha widowed and they’ll only stick to a guy until they can a better Beta.