Only Betas Try to Red Pill Their Women

Why Only Betas Try To Red Pill Women

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Over a few years of observing Red Pill content I have seen countless posts of self described alphas trying to “red pill’ their girlfriends or wives. This is the biggest Beta move any self respecting male can make. Red Pilling women is done by Betas or Gammas in an attempt to absolve themselves from the responsibility of being men and passing on that burden to their women.

They hope that by Red Pilling their women, the women will enter into an unspoken contract of submitting to their authority instead of submitting to them willingly for their mastery of money, muscles, and frame. These betas attempt to proselytize the Red Pill to their girlfriends or wives as an appeal to an imaginary authority granted to them by the gods. This is the same type of appeal to authority leftist use to push their feminized socialist bullshit.

Short Lived Success

Some Betas may see some success with trying to Red Pill their women, but any perceived success will be short lived. If she perceives her Beta high value enough, she might listen and not immediately laugh him off. Women are capable of understanding Red Pill concepts of masculine and feminine nature being innately different, but complimentary. Except that women are driven by their emotions and as you try to break down relationship hurdles using Red Pill game theory, they will grow repulsed by the fact you keep referring back to the Red Pill instead of simply getting it.

Women are avid players of the game, but hate to have it broken down and explained to them. Women’s emotional logic makes them avid shit testers as they live by feels. For that same reason women are disgusted by the concept of being broken down into sets of predictable behaviors and patterns. Women don’t like rigid logical thinking. That is why women are drawn to vague magical thinking and slogans that can shift in meaning depending on their emotions.

When You Give Up The Game, Your Air of Mystery Will Feel Like Manipulation to Women.

Red Pilling Women In Your Family

I personally have found that you can introduce Red Pill concepts to women in your immediate family. They can be somewhat helpful if you turn them into abstract concepts such as;

Preserve your femininity.

Don’t become a land whale.

Top Shelf Men never commit to a Roastie.

No self respecting man wants to buy the village bicycle.

As much as you are concerned about a man’s future, he is concerned about your past.

Women in your family can be taught these concepts, but whether they live by them, it will be a gamble. Women have a habit of always reverting back to emotional thinking once the novelty of an idea wears off. It is simply the way they are wired and function.

Betas that try to Red Pill their women are guaranteeing the failure of said relationships as they are burdening their LTR with driving the relationship forward while demanding their submissiveness. These men aren’t leaders. Your LTR isn’t your mother. It isn’t her job to coddle you and make your burden of performance as a man any easier.

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