One of the biggest mistakes any Red Pill aware man can make, is to try to Red Pill his friends. There is a reason most males believe in society’s comforting lies. It is because they are easy and simply require you to follow society’s gynocentric rules and do what you are told. Most men aren’t cut out to be leaders or independent thinkers. Making real money takes a lot of risk, hard work, and consistency. Same thing with building an attractive physique or developing your mental frame. It is not easy and a counternarrative to the female centric western culture we live in today.
Take into account that most boys are raised by single mothers. Out of those two parent households most fathers are plugged in betas with no idea how to be masculine themselves and much less teach masculinity to their boys. These types of boys grow into men that are much harder to unplug as their ideal version of normal is leaving everything up to their overbearing mothers, girlfriends, and wives. They are taught that following the societal assembly line leads them to the most ideal, happy life they can have, while you and I know that the societal assembly line only makes average, frustrated, chumps.
The Hard Pill to Swallow
The reality is that most men will come to the Red Pill through trauma, loss, or in the best case scenarios through an innate, gut level understanding that society is lying to us. Without any of these life altering scenarios most men are simply more comfortable believing all the Blue Pilled plugged in bullshit.
You might be tempted to Red Pill a friend who is involved in toxic relationships or on the road to a messy divorce, but unplugging men who are comfortably invested in all the lies is not recommended. The Red Pill is a reality altering change in ones personal belief systems. Their blue pilled mental conditioning has to go through a death where their ideas of past, present, and future are shattered and they need to seek out the why as to how everything turned upside down.
The other question to ask yourself would be, “If I explained and taught my friend everything I know and understand about the red pill would they actually start making changes?”. There is a reason why the vast majority of males are overweight, low testosterone, and think like defective girls. The average male doesn’t want to put in the effort to improve their mediocre lives.
Ask yourself these questions;
Would my friends start to maximize their looks after understanding young women’s innate sexual strategy involves banging the hottest guy they can get?
Would they start spinning plates to find their best candidate for an LTR?
Would they throw away their mediocre jobs and risk their stability in order to start a business?
Would your friends’ mental paradigm shift to doing only things that are in their self interest?
The answer is no to most of these. That is why I write this content in hopes that when men are ready they will find content like mine or other Red Pill content creators and wake up from the comforting lies to see the cold hard truth.