Stop Eating Like a Woman

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Eating Like A Woman Will Make You Grow Tits and Turn You Into A Giant Vagina

Over half of the United States Population is overweight or obese. It is no coincidence that the average man has an expanded waist line and bitch tits. Most of these same guys parrot feminist talking points and are giant pussies. This is simply because they are estrogen dominant.

Estrogen dominant men are sensitive, emotional, risk averse, and docile. In other words they behave and think like traditional dainty women.

It is no coincidence that as the food we consume has been loaded with high fructose corn syrup, soy, toxic preservatives in processed foods men have been turned into sick, effeminized betas.

Logically sweet treats and pastries are made to be consumed seldomly and primarily by women and children.

Stop Eating Like a Woman

Go to any super market or grocery store and sugar laden foods are everywhere. They are conveniently packaged to be consumed on the go and full of chemicals making the “food” toxic enough for mold not to wanna touch it, takes years to expire, but perfectly safe for the average fat ass to consume.

Sure, you don’t eat that candy/sweet garbage, but you are still struggling with your weight? Then start reading nutrition labels. Most meats, condiments, and ready to eat meals are loaded with sugars, soy, and carbohydrates from the most well known food producers in the United States.

If you are skeptical of Government “Health” mandates and the pharmaceutical industry, then you should also be skeptical of the companies selling you your food.

To get a little technical, sugar spikes insulin greatly, which tells your body to burn sugar, carbohydrates, and store fats. So when you consume sugars mixed with fats they taste good, but you are storing the fat you are consuming. Eating meals mostly consisting of fat and protein will cause you to have much less insulin causing your body to burn the fat as fuel instead of storing it in your stomach, ass, and tits.

Zero Carb Zero Sugar Meal The way Men Should Eat
Low Carb Low Sugar
High Fat High Protein
The way a Top Shelf Man Should Eat

Don’t be a Soy

Soy is pretty self explanatory. Soy acts as estrogen when consumed turning fat men into even bigger blubbering vaginas. If you read nutrition labels you’ll see soy being used in everything. Prevent yourself from turning into a hormonal woman. Don’t consume anything with Soy!

Don't Consume Soy

All the sugar and soy in modern food products destroy your pallet. They put so much sugar in everything that the average beta is desensitized to sugar and needs more and more. This also rewires your brain to crave sweet and estrogenic foods.

Follow these Rules

-Learn to read nutritional labels.

-Make sure your diet is low carb, zero sugar, and zero soy.

-Finally Stop Eating Like Women, Children, and worst of all Fat Bitch Tit Betas!

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