Why Women Give Terrible Advice

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Modern women pride themselves on being opinionated. Whether you want to hear it or not they will give you terrible advice on what they “feel”.

Since the 1960’s culture and the media brainwashed the last few generations with the women are smart and men are stupid narrative. This causes the average gender pronoun college educated female to feel they are smart and qualified to hand out advice.

The problem is that in the vast majority of situations women’s advice is utter worthless at the least or damaging to the goals of the person they are advising at the most. The main reason for this is that women are solipsistic by nature.

$10 Word for Incredibly Self Centered

Solipsism is defined as the idea that only ones mind is sure to exist. That knowledge of anything outside one’s own mind is unsure.

Big words aside, solipsism means that women are intrinsically self centered. That is why the quote, “Women don’t care about your struggles. They wait at the finish line and fuck the winners.” has been around for a long time, because it is simply true.

Women are incredibly self centered solipsistic creatures that constantly change their own perception of reality to whatever is most convenient for them at a moment’s notice.

Fat and Handsome meme

The average woman will reason that the overweight unattractive guy made them feel creepy and inappropriate for complimenting her looks in a professional work environment. That same woman will reason that the handsome well dressed manager made her blush and was simply being friendly when he complimented her on her looks. If it wasn’t for double standards women wouldn’t have any standards at all.

Because of women’s innate solipsism they are only capable of seeing the world as a reflection from their own personal experiences and values.

The All Powerful Victims

If we consider that western society coddles women treating them like vulnerable or oppressed victims while simultaneously telling them that they are equal to or better than men, we can start to see that women simply don’t occupy the same reality as men.

Thinking logically, when a woman needs help, assistance, or a free meal all she has to do is ask or hop on social media and thousands of thirsty Betas desperate to be a “Nice Guy” or “White Knight” in hopes of getting a turn to bang her will offer their assistance.

Now think of the times as a male, you’ve needed help or assistance in your life. Aside from family or a couple of close friends if you’re lucky, have given enough of a crap to help you when you are in need?

English to Womanese

Keep these truths in mind when women try to advise you on important life choices or give their opinion. These are the moments feminine loser think is imparted on boys and men. We get such gems of wisdom such as;

“Just be yourself.” = This is because as long as women are bang-able guys will be nice to them hoping for a turn. Pretty girls depend on the kindness from strangers.

“You have to be nice to her for her to like you.” = Because idealistically women like to believe they are attracted to nice guys, not to the attractive assholes they like to fuck and have one night stands with.

“Women don’t like macho toxic guys.” = See explanation above.

“Why would you leave your well paying job to start a business.” = I’m already comfortable with our current standard of living. I wouldn’t want it to go down.

All of the advice women are capable of offering are things they would say to or about themselves, because they are incapable of seeing beyond their own noses.

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