Plate Spinning
There is one thing men must learn from Women. That is women’s innate dating strategy sometimes described as “leaving their options open”. What this means is that women will see multiple men without implying exclusivity to any of them. This strategy is designed to maximize a woman’s hypergamy. It allows a woman to compare potential mates to improve her chances of getting the best man she can get leveraging her youth and beauty.
Women subconsciously designate guys based on value they perceive in them.
For example, “Guy A likes to take me to expensive dinners! I am not that into him, but he is a nice guy!”
So women will contact this type of guy when other plans fall through or she wants a free meal.
“Guy B has a Big Truck, so i’ll call him when I want to go to Ikea to buy that couch I wanted.”
“Guy C is a DJ and I can get free drinks when he is working.”
Women have no problem categorizing men and bleeding them for free attention and resources. Then of course they also have their separate list of Alpha Fucks. These are the men with whom they will give top priority, but when the Alpha is too busy for her, then there are the reliable Betas.
Across races and cultures this is the modern woman’s innate dating strategy. After all, they are constantly being offered dick and women simply want to get the highest value male they can get.
Under the current gynocentric primary social order it is perfectly fine for a female to do this because they are simply exploring their options. If a man were to do something similar he would be called a man whore, toxically masculine, or be told how dare he play with those girl’s hearts! As with anything that doesn’t benefit women’s biological imperatives, it must be looked down upon in modern culture.
Spinning Plates and Abundance Mindset
Adapting women’s sexual strategy is the number one thing men must learn to do in modern dating culture. It has a great benefit of putting men in an abundance mindset. When men have multiple plates spinning they will not be emotionally damaged when a plate simply falls off. This mindset also makes men more resilient to women’s relationship shit tests. When women get disrespectful or out of line they are much easier to break up with because they can be replaced.
“Women Don’t Want A Man to Cheat, But they Love A Man Who Can Cheat” Rollo Tomassi
Women are attracted to a man who other women desire and other men want to be. The closest achievable state to this is a top shelf man who has the resources and knowledge to successfully spin plates.
Do not let gynocentric social conventions teach you that plate spinning is bad. Work on maximizing your looks, income, and plate spinning. Yes, it is easier said than done, but figure out what works best for you and fail until you master it. This is the #1 thing men must learn from women.