Burden of Being a Man

The Burden of Being a Man

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The burden of being a man can be summed up as money, muscles, and frame. Many males are comfortable living a mediocre life of working a 9-5 and then hanging out with friends after work. Swipe left and right on dating apps to hopefully land a girl friend. Take two or more vacations a year and that is pretty much it for their life. That is why these males are average frustrated chumps.


Generally there are two ways successful men earn a substantial income. Either they follow a educational path in an elite high paying field or they start a business.

Both paths offer different benefits and detriments. But both have one thing in common, they require skill and take risk. The higher the skill and risk you are required to take, the greater the reward.

With an elite career path like a surgeon, you have to take out huge college loans and then there is no guarantee you’ll make it into a program unless you are in the top of your class.

For the men who decide to start a business, probability dictates that your first business will fail. But you simply take what you learned from your successes and failures then simply try again.

Risk and Reward

Talking to different men I find that most don’t like taking risk and are too narcissistic to admit when they are wrong. This is why your average frustrated chump is happy working their 9-5 making their 5 figure salary wondering why they can never get ahead in life.


Even the most below average women have the attention of thirsty betas slipping into their social media private messages, validating them constantly. That is why your average 3 out of 10 female feels she deserves a guy who is 6 feet tall, 6 figure salary, and 6 pack of abs. Simps, White Knights, and Male Feminists account for over 80% of the dating pool, then your best bet is to simply look your best to be part of the 20% of men all women wanna fuck and are willing to share.

Women being demonstrably more superficial than men simply want the most attractive guy they can get. There is no negotiating desire!


The last and arguably most important attribute to being a top shelf man is Frame. Frame is best described as, “making yourself your central point of origin”, but what does that mean?

Breaking Down Frame

There are multiple components to Frame. First being putting yourself first. Before you worry about your elderly relative that didn’t put away enough money for retirement or your “Nice Guy” inclinations to go play Captain Save a Hoe, you have to worry about yourself first.

-What is your plan?

-What do you need to do to make the money you want in order to have access to the women you want to have sex with?

-Are you taking steps and what milestones are you accomplishing?

If you don’t have a straight answer to any of the questions above then you are simply wasting your time and don’t have Frame.

1. Importance of Maintaining Frame

Once you are on your way to achieving the money and muscles it becomes even more important for you to maintain your Frame. This is the point where predatory, controlling women can come into your life and you might simply drop your Frame because she is hot and plays with you penis.

Two questions I ask myself to see whether I am keeping Frame in a relationship are, “Am I doing this for me and she is lucky enough that I enjoy her company enough for me to bring her along?” the other is, “Am I keeping my boundaries AKA hard no’s in this relationship every time she attempts to get a concession out of me?”

2. Mental Fortitude

This means you are okay with trying, failing, analyzing, and trying again. All roads to success are paved with your countless failures. Unless you already come from money and or have an amazing patriarch then you’ll need to figure out where your talents lye and how you can solve problems for other people in a way you can monetize.

Figuring all that out is not going to be simple or easy and the only way to narrow that down is through trail and error. Once you figure things out, all the failures you experienced will have been your greatest teachers.

3. Abundance Mindset

It is well known that confidence is an attractive feature in men. What men that lack confidence tend to ask themselves is, “Where does that guy get all that confidence?”. The simple answer is confident men tend to have an abundance mindset. This is a mindset that is forged through building success and the knowledge that people will come and go in your life as they benefit you, because you are your own mental point of origin.

The most common trope we see is of the Chad that has no hesitation to dump any hot girl as soon as she shows any disagreeableness. The average frustrated chump will say, “what a cocky asshole he dumped that hot girl for no reason!”. The reality is that the average chump thinks that way because they think attractive women willing to be intimate with them are unicorns because attractive women don’t want to be with average frustrated chumps.

When you have an abundance mindset you’ll have no problems dropping useless or toxic people out of your life and making mistakes. When you have failed enough times to understand what it takes to be successful you are also much less afraid to make mistakes, because you know how to mitigate or minimize the consequences of failure. That makes these men look extremely confident to the average guy. The reality is that successful men with an abundance mindset are confident because they know that the only irreplaceable thing is themselves.

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