Women tend to be very unforgiving when judging a male’s looks, income, and success while being selectively blind to their own Sexual Market Value. Women universally want a tall, attractive man with resources. It is only natural as these traits signaled to women that their mate has desirable genes, good intellect and is resourceful enough to provide for her and her offspring to live comfortably. Issues arise in a female centric culture and a society that makes profits from lying to women. They are bombarded with messaging that they can be healthy at any size, their youth is evergreen, and they don’t need no man! Women subconsciously live out these slogans oblivious as to how living these ways plummet their own Sexual Market Value (SMV).
Healthy at Any Size!
Simply put the vast majority of women in western countries are overweight or obese. These same women take great offense to being told to lose weight, while having no problem ridiculing and berating overweight men.
While knowing they are overweight they also believe they are entitled to a fit and attractive male. Anyone can see this entitlement on social media and dating profiles where fat women will describe themselves as, “curvy, thick, or full figured” instead of simply stating they are overweight. Women use this wordplay because they don’t want to be messaged by men who would adequately describe themselves as fat or overweight.
The culture supports this delusion with depicting obese women on their covers as being healthy or attractive. Society will then bully anyone that states these women have very low to non existent sexual market value.

On the other hand you’ll never see fat or obese men featured on any publication. This is why most western women are oblivious to their fatness severely lowering the SMV.
Your Youth is Evergreen!
Statistically women hit their sexual market value prime in their early to mid twenties. Women would naturally want to find a guy with great potential to take care of them with the goal of starting a family while still in the prime of their sexual market value. Instead of settling down, women are taught to experience life for all its worth! Translation, go out and maximize your party years also known as your slut phase. Go out into the world and jump on every hot guy’s cock you fancy. You are young and now is the time to do it, because your youth is ever green and high value men will still want you past 30 (see Sex and The City).
The consequences from these life choices are two fold to women.
Alpha Fucks Beta Bucks
From trying out all the hot guys she wants she is highly likely to get alpha widowed. An Alpha Widow is a woman who was dumped by a Chad she can never forget and subconsciously compares every new man in her life to that alpha male that rocked her world and then dropped her. Post wall even the most attractive alpha widows will eventually settle for a beta provider, once they realize that no matter how hard they try, they can’t keep any high value man from pumping and dumping them. Once they secure their beta provider most alpha widows will tend to occasionally cheat in hopes of experiencing another Chad that will blow their mind again or to monkey branch to a better beta.
Where have all the Good Men gone?
Women instinctively know their youth and fertility are limited. When the modern woman feels it as they approach 30, they will change their online profiles to, “No Hookups, or Serious Relationships Only”. Showing any red pill aware male they are very familiar with the hook up scene and they are now suddenly ready to settle down. The problem is that all the Alphas they banged in their 20’s while refusing to settle for one because they had to experience everything life had to offer are now banging other women in their 20’s, while they are now stuck with the other 80% of men that average women find unattractive.
If these women managed to keep their weight in check and maintain the femininity they had their pick of men for over a decade. Now they find themselves occasionally getting banged by hot guys who refuse to commit to them. Only sub par men are willing to commit to them now. This leads to a lot of women to get bitter and make statements such as, “Where have all the Good men gone?”.
Presented with two choices they can settle for a Beta Provider or simply stay alone with their youth so evergreen.
I Don’t Need No Man
Women are told to be independent by acting like men. Don’t depend on men because modern women need to make their own money, have their own careers, and are just as equal or better to their male colleagues. This mentality puts women in a position where their sexual market value is severely diminished in the eyes of the men that they would want to be with and increases their sexual market value in the eyes of the Beta males they find repulsive.
High powered career paths take at least a decade at a minimum to succeed in. This is the decade most career women are in the prime of their sexual market value and fertility. Instead of following their biology they will be in a career path that will make them financially independent from any man. Once this is accomplished most women will find themselves alone and unable to find a desirable long term boyfriend or husband and only able to attract men they don’t want.
This happens because women are taught the lie that men find powerful and bossy women attractive. The truth is that women are most attracted to men they can look up to. Women don’t want to be with men that earn less than them.
The men that earn more than them are successful alpha men that couldn’t care less how much their woman earns, because they don’t need her money to support their lifestyle. Successful men don’t want any woman to offer their professional insight to tell them how to run their businesses or what to do in general, because they are already successful. These top shelf quality men don’t want a boss bitch to rule their lives, they want a young attractive and fertile woman to offer their femininity and compliment his life, not complicate it.
Irony of Career Women’s Sexual Market Value
Career women find themselves too old and opinionated for the men they want, but perfect for the men they will be repulsed by. The average Beta Male that is attracted to a high powered career woman. She is the ideal type as the beta wants a mommy who he can have sex with and marry. He is attracted to the fact that she can support his lifestyle in case he loses his 9-5 J.O.B. He can brag to his friends about how he trapped a doctor or a lawyer being a lowly employee. Betas love this because the roles are reversed and they have a woman to bring home the bacon, make all the tough decisions, and have sex with them.
When career women realize that they have become the men they wanted to fuck and marry all along and their only prospects are Betas males who would happily marry their own mothers, they simply decide to stay alone.
Why You Shouldn’t Bother Explaining Sexual Market Value Dynamics to Women
Many men might be tempted to explain these things to women in order to help them make better choices. Unfortunately, we live in a culture that wants the familial unit to fail. When women hear truths they don’t like they can simply run to social media and the culture which will reaffirm her the men love fat, boss bitches, unable to pair bond over 30.
Red pilled men simply find young attractive women willing to enter their frame and are simply lead by them. They don’t bother explaining SMV to post wall women.