Investing time and resources towards having female friends is a waste of time. It is said that women have boyfriends and girlfriends and if you aren’t being intimate with her then you are her girlfriend.
Friendships are formed when like minded people have enough in common or circumstance that both people are able to form bonds to the benefit of both parties. With some small exceptions such as female family members or work colleagues, men try to build friendships with females because there is some sort of underlying sexual attraction.
Let’s Just Be Friends
Most plugged in beta males are afraid of rejection as the believe in the myths of “The One” and “Happily Ever After”. To avoid the pain and humiliation of being rejected they will approach women with a let’s just be friends frame of mind. This is a line usually uttered by women when they are approached or romanticized by an undesired male and they want to be nice and offer a soft rejection. Beta males who use this strategy are already pre-screening their rejection and have a feminize mind set.
Betatized men aren’t able to come to terms that they are simply sneaky fucks. Because the reason they approach women with the let’s be friends mind set is in hopes of somehow transforming that friendship into a sexual relationship. When women say, “let’s just be friends” it is a soft rejection.
Outdated Sexual Strategies
The problem with that strategy in trying to gain intimacy with a woman is that it is severely outdated. Before there was social media, women’s social networks were limited to the people they knew from their social circles. A male friend could come along and slowly show her why he was her best reproductive choice then upgrade that friendship status into a relationship.
This strategy doesn’t work when women are spoiled for choice with dating apps, social media, and a feminist culture where they are constantly being given attention by men sliding into their direct messages. All while the beta tries to play the long game, she can be getting dicked by Chad. In this modern setting young women aren’t limited by the people they actually know from their daily lives.
Other Outdated Strategies
Another common outdated strategy betas fall into involves the belief that having female friends leads to access to more women. This is a belief implanted into men through movies and television. The reality is that the way men yearn to spread their seed by trying to bang every women we find attractive is very different from women’s ultimate goal of extracting attention and resources from the men they meet. If you are her “friend” then you are offering your time, attention, and resources to her in exchange for nothing!
If she indeed finds value in getting that from you then she would never willingly give away that golden goose. Why would she? If she were to hook you up with her friends then she would lose access to your attention, time, and resources. If she doesn’t find value to extract from you then she would likely try to quickly get rid of you by ghosting you or introducing you to a frumpy unbangable friend.
Friends Without Benefits
If you insist on maintaining a platonic relationship with a female then what activities would you be doing together? Would you be taking her out to dinner? Road trips and travel? Shopping? Essentially you would be dating her except you aren’t getting any affection or sex while she likely has an entourage of men volunteering to bang her after you are done wasting your day with her and drop her off at home. In these situations you are simply cucking yourself.
Zero Return On Your Investment
As top shelf men mature, we realize the only thing money can’t buy is more time. Friendships are investments of your time. What happens when the platonic female friend meets a high enough value guy or a faithful Beta and decides to make a life with him? She will forget you and move on with her life because you are no longer convenient. What will you be left with after all is said and done? You’ll simply be left holding your dick.